EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    Oded’s prophetic ministry to PK 648-9
    King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria invaded PK 287
    captives taken from, to heathen lands PK 287, 332
    terrible blow from which, never recovered PK 287
    Hoshea as last ruler of PK 287-92
    crumbling to pieces rapidly PK 332
    Isaiah’s prophetic ministry began PK 291, 305
    King Shalmaneser of Assyria conquered and destroyed PK 291-2, 305, 332, 351
       more than a century before Jerusalem fell PK 415
    broken remnant of, scattered into Assyrian provinces PK 291-2, 296-7, 305, 324, 339, 351, 384
    terrible judgments upon, God had wise purpose in PK 292
    God’s purpose in scattering, among heathen PK 292
    “destroyed for lack of knowledge” PK 293-300
    given no promise of complete restoration to Palestine PK 298
    “wanderers among nations” till end of time PK 298
    privilege of, to share in final restoration at end of earth’s history PK 298-300
    remnant of, left in Samaria and Galilee by Assyrians PK 567
    heathen colonists settled in, from Assyrian provinces PK 567
    feeble remnant of, existed during Josiah’s reign PK 397
    intermarriage of, with heathen colonists produced Samaritans PK 567