EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
5. After Babylonian Exile
    70 years of Babylonian captivity PK 479-557
    Cyrus the Great issued decree in favor of PK 557-9, 599-600, 607
       about 70 years before decree of Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) in 457 B.C. PK 607
    about 50,000 exiles returned to Jerusalem from Babylon PK 559-60, 598-9
    Zerubbabel as governor of PK 559, 575, 577-8, 593-6, 618, 677, 705
    altar built in temple court PK 560
    Feast of Tabernacles kept by PK 560
    work begun to build second temple PK 563
    cornerstone of second temple laid PK 563-6
    Samaritans harassed PK 567-72
    false Smerdis of Persia halted work of, in rebuilding temple and city PK 572-3
    temple neglected by, over a year PK 573
    Haggai’s prophetic ministry to PK 573-7, 580, 597
    Zechariah’s prophetic ministry to PK 573, 575-96
    work on temple renewed by PK 575, 579-80
    Darius I (Hystaspes) issued decree in favor of PK 573, 578-9, 598, 600
    many exiles of, remained in lands of their captivity PK 598-600
    persecution of, in reign of Xerxes the Great PK 597-606
    Artaxerxes I (Longimanus) issued decree in favor of, in 457 B.C. DA 233;GC 327-8, 398-9, 409-10;LS 57-8;PK 605, 607, 609-12, 698-9;1T 52;