EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    how God taught, their need of provisions of Abrahamic covenant PP 372
    human inventions made supreme by TM 359
    idolatrous practices of other nations were followed by 5T 455
    idolatry of, God had true souls in midst of PK 108
    imaginary wants of, closed their eyes to God’s goodness and mercy 2T 656
    immunity from disease promised to, on condition of obedience CD 378;COL 288;DA 824;MH 283;PP 292;4aSG 122;2SM 412;6T 222;9T 165;
    impending doom of, only by thorough heart reformation could be averted PK 413-4
    incorporated as church and nation under God at Mt. Sinai PP 303
    influence of Egyptian heathenism upon Ed 34;PP 310, 316;3SG 201-2, 240, 274-5, 298;SR 114;
    influences that prevailed against, are met with still PK 74
    ingratitude of, for God’s care in wilderness 4aSG 41
    iniquitous practices separated, from God PP 455
    instruction given to, re cleanliness CH 62-3
       re education and training of children is for us MH 405
       re preservation of health MH 277
    insubordination delayed entrance of, into Canaan Ev 696
    intercourse with heathen by, effects of PP 746-7
    intermarried with Canaanites PP 544
    irreligion and idolatry in, in Samuel’s time PP 590
    Jerusalem as missionary center if leaders and teachers of, had accepted truth Christ brought COL 232