EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    last years of grace given to, as chosen people DA 235
    laws given to, for preservation of physical, mental, and moral health FE 414
    laws of, under God’s government were superior to those of other nations PP 605
    leaders of: adopted misinterpretations and false theories of truth in Christ’s time 5T 710
       became Satan’s instruments in warring against Christ DA 206
       failed to proclaim Christ’s first advent GC 313
    left in darkness as result of rejecting light GC 378
    legal economy of, promise of Saviour given to DA 212
    lessons given to, for their training in discipline Ed 37
    lessons to be learned by, during Babylonian captivity PK 475
    liberality of, in tithes and offerings PP 525-9;4T 77-8, 467-8, 474;
       written for our learning SR 152
    light graciously given to, became darkness PK 116;4T 43;
    light of heaven was to shine to world through PP 314
    light of truth withheld from heathen nations by PK 370-1
    light revealed to surrounding nations through the faithful in MB 41
    light was to shine out from, to world enshrouded in darkness PP 314
    long intercourse with idolaters affected PP 364
    looked for: Christ to deliver from power of Romans DA 30
       Messiah to exalt them to universal dominion DA 30