EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    sins that delayed entrance of, into Canaan Ev 696;PP 390-4, 464;1SM 69;2T 107;
    sincere observers of heathen rites learned from, promise of coming Redeemer DA 28
    singing by, while marching in wilderness Ed 39;Ev 500;
    slow to complete work of dispossessing Canaanites PP 521
    soon forgot: God and His wonderful works 1T 287
       God’s dealings and great mercies 4T 91
    sovereignty of God over, was not arbitrary PP 311
    special days observed by, on which unnecessary work was not to be done 2T 573
    special object of Satan’s enmity PK 582;5T 468;
    spiritual darkness of, in Christ’s time CSW 47-8
    spiritual decline of, progressed during Solomon’s apostasy PK 58
       was steady after death of Jeroboam I PK 109
    spirituality of, maintained only by obeying all God’s commandments SD 44
    story of deliverance of, from Egypt was to be repeated DA 77
    strategic position occupied by, among nations PK 70
    strong among nations during reigns of David and Solomon PK 25
    stubborn pride brought wrath of Roman conquerors upon PK 712-3
    stubborn unbelief of 6BC 1096
    supreme law of, God’s law was to be enforced as PP 603
    surrounding peoples blessed by, when she was faithful PK 20