EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    synagogues built by, during Babylonian captivity PK 612-3
    taken to Babylon because they separated from God 2BC 1040
    teachers of, led her to reject Christ GC 595-6
    temple as tower in, as vineyard COL 288;PK 18;
    temple services continued after God’s presence was withdrawn from GC 615
    tested: in matter of diet 6T 372
       repeatedly and found wanting 4T 155
    theocracy of, acknowledged when they first settled in Canaan PP 603
       organized at Mt. Sinai PP 374
    things forgotten by, in wilderness PP 293
    tired of God as divine Sovereign PP 603
    travels of, experience of Christians in last days compared to 1T 284
    triumph of, Balaam foretold 4aSG 48
    true conception of God’s character lost by 5T 738
    true devotion of, lost in tradition and ceremonialism MB 2
    true to God, would subdue all her enemies PP 450
    truehearted among, were light to surrounding nations MB 41
    twelve patriarchs stood as representatives of AA 19;DA 291;
    unarmed and unaccustomed to war at time of Exodus PP 282
    unbelief and murmurings of, as warning to us 3SG 251