EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    unbelief delayed entrance of, into Canaan Ev 696;1SM 69;
    unbelief of, when entering Canaan COL 303
    unclean foods not to be used by MH 280, 312
    under dominion of Rome, Moses was shown PP 475
    under guardianship of God PP 443
    unfaithfulness of, lessons from results of PK 414
    unwillingness of, to understand God’s purpose for heathen PK 367-8
    unwillingness of God to chastise PK 413-4
    verging on revolution when John the Baptist’s ministry began DA 104
    visible center of worship in, earthly sanctuary was to be PP 314
    voluntarily separated herself from God PK 116
    wall of partition built up between, and every other nation AA 14;DA 29;MB 42 See also Wall of partition;
    wall of partition not to be built up by PK 369-78
    wandered nearly 40 years in wilderness PP 406-10
    wanted to be: guided by visible human power 6T 249-50
       like other nations 6T 249
    warned against: abominable heathen practices 2BC 998
       apostasy PK 294-5
       idolatry 4aSG 54
    warned not to imitate Egyptian idolatry 3SG 268