EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israel   [1302]
    was (were) to: break bread of life to world COL 221
       bring blessing to all mankind AA 374;PK 17;
       diffuse light to whole world COL 286;6T 221;
       dispossess nations rejecting worship of God PK 19
       disseminate principles of true religion throughout world PP 492
       exalt God’s law PK 16
       exalt God’s name and make it glorious in earth PK 16
       extend God’s laws and kingdom over all earth 2BC 999
       give gospel invitation to world COL 290;PK 19;8T 25-6;
       give knowledge of promised Messiah to world PK 683
       give to world knowledge of God’s will 2BC 994
       impart blessings to all peoples COL 286;6T 221;
       lift up Christ in teaching of sacrificial service AA 14;COL 290;PK 19, 71;8T 25-6;
       look to God as their Lawgiver PP 606
       occupy all territory God appointed them COL 290;PK 19;
       occupy honorable place among nations PP 292
       preserve knowledge of God among men PK 582, 677;PP 314;5T 454, 468;
       preserve knowledge of God’s law among men DA 27;PK 677;
       preserve knowledge of symbols and prophecies pointing to Christ DA 27
       remain a distinct and separate people PK 294;PP 232, 242, 369, 447, 603;4aSG 46;4T 109;