EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israelite, Israelites   [475]
    blessings refused by, that they might have accepted 3T 200
    cannot see their ceremonies meaningless now 1SM 239
    Christ will be with persons who labor for Ev 578
    Christian patriots among, who were true as steel to principle 2BC 1040
    Christians have reason to be more thoughtful and reverential in worship than do 5T 496
    circumcision among, significance of SR 146-7
    cling tenaciously to tradition 4T 256
    conversion of, greater burden needed for Ev 578
    converted: important part in gospel work is to be done by AA 380-1;Ev 579;
       laboring now for their own people Ev 578
       many, will be used in God’s work Ev 578
       now laboring for Christ in various places Ev 578
       will aid in gospel work Ev 579
       will proclaim immutability of God’s law AA 381;Ev 578;
       Wolff’s (Joseph) labors as GC 357-62
       See also Lichtenstein, Marcus
    curse of God has followed EW 213
    curse pronounced by rabbis on all, attempting to compute time of Messiah’s coming GC 378
    danger of living like 5T 535-6
    decided advantages possessed by, over other people AA 380