EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Israelite, Israelites   [475]
    destitute of God’s love while blazing light of truth shone around them 5T 536
    destroyed because they rejected message of salvation 6T 146
    did not go into darkness all at once 3T 200
    diet of, distinction between clean and unclean in MH 280
    disobedience and failure seen in, has characterized many SDA 5T 456
    failure of, to discern lessons taught by sacrificial offerings FE 398
    faithful, are true children of Abraham COL 268
    faithful remnant of, as noble olive tree with some branches broken off AA 377-8;DA 620;
       ingrafting of believing Gentiles into AA 377-8
    figures and symbols of sacrificial offerings were perverted by FE 398
    foes of, heathen and professed Christian alike have been EW 212-3
    forsaken by God, as nation EW 213
    Gentiles and: equal before God 9T 191
       gospel is equally efficacious for AA 380
       linked by Christ in common brotherhood 7T 225;9T 191;
       recognized by Christ as equal in God’s sight 7T 225
       Spirit calls after AA 380
       See also Gentile
    God did not design that, should build up wall of partition between themselves and fellow men PP 368