EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Kingdom, Kingdoms   [233]
    Christ came to establish, at first advent COL 253-4
    established at His death GC 348
    existence of, before His death GC 347-8
    how men became subjects of, before His death GC 347-8
    instituted immediately after man’s fall GC 347
    message of first advent announced DA 234
    now being established MB 108
    represented by throne of grace GC 347
    set forth in Epistle to Hebrews GC 347
4. Christ’s—of righteousness
    Christ came to establish, at first advent DA 130;9T 218;
    Christ seeks to establish, in men’s hearts DA 138
    prayer for establishment of MB 110
5. Earthly (of this world)
    are as dust of balance FE 481
    Babel builders established, for self-exaltation PP 123;8T 213;
    Babylon was richest of PK 501
    Christ did not come to overthrow COL 35;MH 36;
    Christ wrested, from Satan AA 29;EW 158;
    Daniel 2 shows deterioration of 4BC 1168