EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Kingdom, Kingdoms   [233]
    downfall of, things that prepared way for GW 388
    every, is to be brought low FE 481
    God has power over PK 498
    God is still dealing with SD 338
    maintained by force 4BC 1171;COL 77;
    many people desire to make Christ ruler of DA 509
    not yet Christ’s kingdoms CT 414;FE 355;
    offered to Christ by Satan DA 129-30;EW 157-8;1SM 285-9;
    rise and fall of, God’s word reveals causes that govern Ed 238
       visions given to Daniel re PK 553-4
    rising already against kingdom 7BC 968
    ruled by ascendancy of physical power AA 12
    Satan offers, in return for doing his will CS 144
    Satan supposed, to have become his by right 5T 738
    symbolized by fierce beasts of prey COL 77;GC 439-40;
    universal, Babel builders planned 8T 213
       rise and fall of, predicted hundreds of years before they came on stage of action PK 501
6. God’s
    begins in heart DA 506
    Christ’s message re, based on Daniel 9 GC 345