EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    grain of wheat that preserves its own, can produce no fruit DA 623
    great loss of, disasters by land and sea cause PK 277
    hidden by God in rough brown bulb of lily unfolds at His call in rain and sunshine MB 97
    how aged persons shorten their 1T 423
    human: brutal and fiendish destruction of MH 142-3;PK 275;
       is something that Giver takes back again to Himself MM 7
       must be guarded 2BC 1014
       must be sacredly guarded PP 516
       natural laws govern Ed 99
       sacrifice of, through mismanagement is dreadful 2T 386
       same great laws that guide star and atom control Ed 99
       sustained by receiving life of God Ed 99
    humblest forms of, present problem wisest philosophers cannot explain SC 106
    image that had no, in Swiss tower Ev 117
    imparted and sustained by God’s word Ed 126
    implanted in seed, by Creator COL 63
       God alone can call forth COL 63;Ed 104;
    in grains and vegetables passes into eater MH 313
    in natural world depends on light SD 281
    increase and growth where there is 6T 448