EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    each person receives 1SM 296
    every tree and shrub and leaf pours forth element of, essential to man and animal DA 20
    expense of, children who obtain education at 3T 149-50
    flowering plant’s, depends on light SD 281
    flows from Creator GC 678
    fountain of: Christ is MM 7, 233-4
       God is MB 61
       streamlet from, in man MM 7
    from God, causes seed to germinate DA 367
       flows into man’s life SC 98
    fruit of tree of life has power to perpetuate PP 47, 60;3SG 45-6;SR 40-1;
    God alone can give PP 68, 264, 516;5T 697;TM 444-5;
    God alone can produce COL 63;Ed 105;
    God gives, to trees and vines 1BC 1081;MM 8;
    God implants, in seed Ed 104
    God is, of everything that lives Ed 197
    God is originator of all Ed 197
    God supplies breath which keeps, in man’s body CS 224
    God’s people are not required to unnecessarily expose their 4T 627
    God’s word gives, to seed Ed 108