EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
       preserved moment by moment by divine power AA 284
       sustained by use of blessings placed within your reach AA 284
    new, seed dies to spring forth into COL 87
    new lease of, how to obtain CH 222
    no man is assured of, for any given time 2SM 117
    no stagnation where there is TM 338
    of Christ, all men dependent on 5BC 1113
    of God: Adam was made partaker of 1BC 1082
       all created beings are dependent recipients of DA 785
       is given to world in His word GW 250
       men exist moment by moment by Ed 198
       men have been severed from, by sin MH 84
       nature would die without 1BC 1081;MM 8;
       received in sunlight, air, and food Ed 197-8
    of grain, preserved through process of death DA 623
    of man and beast, depends on element supplied by trees, shrubs, and leaves DA 20
    of no living thing should be taken to sustain Christian’s life CD 412
    one pulse of, from heart of God thrills all created things MB 96
    only, can beget life CT 31;DA 250;Ed 84;
    only by yielding up His, could Christ impart life to humanity DA 623