EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    only power that can produce, is from God Ed 105
    patient’s, is in hands of physician MH 117
    peril of, Christian must be willing to walk in light of Christ’s example even at 4T 624
    peril of rejecting means given by God to promote 5T 193
    persons who regard, as their own 5T 351
    physician may sacrifice patient’s, by careless diagnosis, wrong prescription, or one unskillful movement in operation MH 117
    physician should express thankfulness to God for having spared his patient’s MH 119;6T 232;
    physician should point patient to One on whom he is dependent for MH 119
    physician’s need of Christ in effort to prolong patient’s MH 117-8
    physicians seek to preserve MH 111
    plant grows by receiving what God provides to sustain its Ed 106
    plant’s, is enfolded in seed COL 38
    plants can live only by, which God imparts SC 67
    practical knowledge of, needed to glorify God in human body CH 38
    preserved moment by moment by divine power AA 284
    regard must be shown for, in doing God’s work 5T 567
    risk of loss of, before God’s people defending His law 7BC 975;5T 712;
    sacrifice, rather than disobey God 4T 147
    sacrificed for Christ will be kept unto eternal life COL 87;DA 623-4;
    Satan does not have power to create or to give PP 264;5T 697;