EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    consistent and humble, best way to recommend truth is by 3T 334
    courage, force, energy, and perseverance needed in 5T 404
    daily: circumstances of, are used by God to prepare us to act our part on wider stage His providence has appointed us DA 382
       determines destiny AH 16
       exemplifying Christ’s character in, is one of most effective ways of winning souls to Him DA 141-2
       good words are powerless if contradicted by 5T 160
       light shining from Communion service makes sacred the provisions for DA 660
       purity and benevolence of, Joseph and Daniel represented God by Ed 56-7
    divided heart makes, difficult 2T 234
    does not consist wholly in gentleness, patience, meekness, and kindliness MH 497;5T 404;
    dwarfed and sickly, of believer having no earnest interest in salvation of souls CS 156
    each soul is to receive from God’s word for himself DA 390
    evidence of, things that are not Ev 116-7
    exertion to do others good must characterize 3T 381
    expression of grateful love shows that, is begun in soul DA 191
    false representation of, Christians who gather up gloom and sadness to their souls give SC 116
       Christians who murmur and complain give SC 116
    fashion your, after Christ’s MYP 63
    folly of trying to maintain, by doing nothing for Christ SC 80-1
    foundations of, should be laid broad and deep PK 409