EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Life, Lives   [1801]
    fruition of God’s word in, wait with patience for COL 61
    give your soul food that will nourish and stimulate 8T 316
    God can impart, only when man surrenders his will to Him MB 61
    godly, is argument in favor of Bible which few can resist 5T 706
    gospel religion is Christ in COL 384
    human philosophy cannot explain method by which, is imparted AA 284
    illustration of, from brown lily bulb MB 97
    illustration of how Spirit sustains AA 284
    impartation of Spirit is impartation of, of Christ DA 805
    in Christ is life of restfulness SC 70
    influence of true and godly, cannot be measured 4T 143
    is: a power in world DA 142
       battle and march MB 141;MH 453;8T 313;
       constant battle and march 3T 253
       constant warfare 5T 183
       constantly an onward march 1T 340
       continual conflict in stormy world 3T 453
       derived from Christ 1SM 137
       divested of all pretense 5T 50
       earnest, true, sublime 5T 50