EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    offerings of Cornelius from, not given to gain heaven HP 306.3
    oil of, flows freely into hearts united to God by faith TDG 98.5
    originates in heaven OHC 231.4
    perfecting (practicing), for obedience and unselfishness RC 103.5
    pining for, unnecessary if kind regard maintained 1MCP 157.5;TDG 335.3;
    plan of salvation UL 43.4
    plant that must be cultivated and cherished OHC 173.5
    position to receive God’s TDG 165.6
    possessing, through obedience TMK 96.3
    power of,
       in all Christ’s healing TMK 48.2
       whole duty of man RY 76.1
    practiced by heart softened by Christ’s character OHC 73.4
    praise kindles OHC 10.4
    pray for Christlike; its possessor is above infirmities 2MCP 607.0
    prayer and offerings the expression of HP 306.5
    presides in Christ’s court HP 372.2
       of action, not response to favors OHC 175.2
       of Christ and of truth proclaimed in 2MCP 430.1