EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
       mind yields to, as man gives himself to God OHC 104.3
       service called for by RC 51.3
    law of God,
       calls for, to both God and humanity 2MCP 563.3
       in ten precepts prompted by OHC 138.6
    leads to perfect obedience FLB 92.5
    learning Christ’s meekness causes UL 359.4
    life of Christ exemplified TMK 9.3
       from words spoken in VSS 207.1
       shines by giving, which God gave to us RC 198.5
    longing for, people surround us who have TMK 334.4
    longing to know fullness of FLB 120.4
    lost by selfishness and injustice LHU 292.2
    marriage partners,
       not to shut up, to themselves HP 207.4
       to cultivate attentions which nourish 1MCP 158.1
       to seek opportunities to express TDG 335.3
    matchless, in glorifying those walking with Christ TDG 202.2
    mercy beaten back returned in stronger tides of HP 234.2