EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
       lighten burdens HP 180.6
       preserved eternally through Christ’s righteousness HP 232.5;OHC 236.6;RY 153.1;
       recorded in books of God’s remembrance TMK 234.6
       reveal living power of faith OHC 73.4
    adultery not excused by claiming TSB 131.4
       are present at every work of CME 27.0
       minister, through Christ TMK 328.4
       seek to communicate, about character and work of Christ TMK 340.2
    associates made more Christlike by right quality of FLB 235.2
    atmosphere of,
       circulating around world TMK 19.2
       one carrying, will stand in the last day OHC 234.6
    attentions that nourish, to be continued in marriage TDG 335.2
    attribute of God’s government; jewel to cherish OHC 80.4
    basis of creation, redemption and true education RC 51.2
    become as a child in, for happiness now and eternal life TDG 310.3
    belief in Jesus’ coming inspires, for one another TMK 357.4
    between God and Christ is measureless HP 15.7
    binds hearts of believers in unity OHC 173.4