EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    bride and groom pledge HP 202.3
    broad as the world, not restricted to “me and mine” OHC 175.2
    brotherly, evidence of being Christ’s followers UL 257.4
    brotherly kindness needed to exhibit OHC 73.2
    burned in heart of Ellen White when room seemed full of light TDG 17.2
    burning with, for Jesus and others by connection with heaven TDG 98.3
    capacity for, increased by every revelation of God OHC 366.3
    chain of, perfects connection and bears testimony to world TMK 173.2
    cherish, not thinking evil of our brethren TDG 83.2
    children’s souls unlocked by TMK 39.4
       came in, winning sinners Con 72.2
       cherishes acts of, in His followers LHU 318.5
       draws with cords of AG 52.3
       gave example of, and enjoined us to follow TMK 176.2
       had, burning in His heart UL 229.3
       is example of, for us RY 100.1
       is honored by showing Him, brings blessing TDG 189.5
       knew fullness of TMK 368.3
       never disappoints OHC 98.4