EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Love, Loves   [2131]
    harvest of, from seeds sown TMK 85.5
       here Christ reigns filled with HP 230.4
       must grow plant of, not root of bitterness TMK 187.4
       refreshes others when received AG 124.3
       shown at Pentecost TMK 344.4
    Holy Spirit,
       ruling in hearts creates OHC 170.3
       to quicken HP 110.2
    humans slight, which God has provided TDG 23.4
    importance of LHU 134
    impulse and fascination are not; intellectual basis LYL 36.4;TSB 22.0;
    impulsive, is blind and placed on unworthy objects LYL 36.5
    impure, from one without qualities to be a happy wife LYL 64
    increase of,
       as it is dispensed OHC 231
       by laying up treasure in heaven OHC 195.2
       by working for others OHC 260.2
       for Christ and others through soul winning OHC 299.6