EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    carnal, Satan seeks to arouse unholy desires of PP 717-8
    Christ died that, might be restored, rebeautified, and reconstructed 5T 537
    Christlike, is not selfish, unsympathetic, and cold CT 266
    clamors of, human strength cannot deny DA 122
    condition of, when created PP 44-5, 48-9;SC 17;
    degraded by sin PP 64;5T 738;
    depraved by sin FE 199;PP 53, 61;
       God understands the tendencies of PP 688
    destructive tendencies of, Satan strengthens 6T 238
    disposition in, to envy, jealousy, and cruel distrust 3T 343
    fallen: Christ’s grace alone gives enabling power to resist and subdue tendencies of MH 428
       inherited by son from father PP 80
       must be purified, ennobled, consecrated by obedience to truth 5T 235
       strives for mastery AH 205
    fallen because of sin SC 62
    fatal deception re SC 18-9
    great and important truth re, that needs to be understood 1T 300
    internal foes and corruption of, war with 2T 74
    is: fallen MH 428
       human nature still 1SM 72