EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    truest and most noble and most honorable, cherishes Christ’s love most in soul 5T 235
    truly great, are invariably modest 4T 338
    unbroken line of faithful, have preserved revealings of God’s will from age to age PP 125
    unlearned and humble, successful as preachers 4T 378
    unmarried, never pet and flatter Ev 494-5
    vacillating in principle should not be placed in responsible positions LS 248
    we cannot conceive what converted, may become or do 4T 93
    weak in moral power should not be placed in responsible positions LS 248
    who says and does not, God will not tolerate Ev 132;MM 127;
    who will not be bought or sold, greatest want of world is Ed 57
    willing to do and dare, needed in ministry, pulpit, and press TM 407
    willing to venture anything and everything to save souls, God needs WM 266
    without God’s grace, love to do evil 1T 362
    young See Young man; Youth
    agency of personal God was manifest in MH 415;8T 264;
    all heaven took deep and joyful interest in SD 7
    authentic account of, Bible contains 5T 25
    Christ created MH 415;8T 264;
    created as new and distinct order of beings SD 7