EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
       must act as God moves upon him 5T 725
       must not act as moved by another’s mind 5T 725
       must stand or fall for himself at last 5T 247-8
       must work out his own salvation with fear and trembling FE 297
       responsible to God for his own work 7T 180
       surrounded with atmosphere peculiar to him FE 297
       teach, his dependence on God TM 374
    excellence of, possession of Christ’s virtues determines CW 175
    faculties of, are not self-created 8T 63
       degradation resulting from 4T 268
       fearful evidence of 2SM 165
       lifetime is required to recover from 2T 448
       occurred 6,000 years ago Te 16
       results of 2T 448-9
       strongest evidence of MH 452;8T 313;
    fallen, given another trial through Christ 4T 354
    fellow, must not be your shadow TM 303
    few, are fitted for great want of the times FE 120
       God’s work is not to be managed by TM 320