EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Man, Men   [644]
    God’s estimate upon, how to learn 4T 568
       revealed in cross of Calvary ML 292
    God’s ideal for, is higher than highest human thought can reach Ed 18;8T 63;
    God’s image in, nearly obliterated by sin PP 595
    God’s means of exalting 4T 472
    God’s purpose in testing, by tree of knowledge of good and evil 1BC 1082;PP 48-9, 53;
    God’s standard of, is elevated to highest meaning of term 4T 520
    has in himself no power to: oppose effectual resistance to evil 5T 294
       resist power of evil SC 17
       resist Satan successfully MYP 51
       save himself PP 431
    has not evolved from: germs, mollusks, and quadrupeds Ed 130;PP 45;
       lower forms of animal or vegetable life PP 45
    has power to choose between right and wrong CSW 22
    has scarcely begun to live when he begins to die COL 342;CT 21;
    has to learn himself before God can do great things for him CW 82
    hear evil of no 2T 54
    heart of, is cold and dark and unloving by nature MB 21
       natural selfishness and corruption in 4T 496
    highhanded power that makes gods of TM 361