EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    with user of alcoholic drinks 2SM 422;Te 172;
    with young and inexperienced girl, man’s mistake of 3T 44
    without parents’ consent 2SM 339
       not permitted in ancient times 1T 218
    youth who violate fifth precept of Decalogue by 5T 108
3. With unbeliever(s) 4T 503-8;5T 361-8;
    Ahab’s example of 2BC 1033;3T 262;
    alarming indifference of Christians re 5T 365
    among antediluvians PP 81;3SG 60-1;SR 62;
    baneful results of 5T 366
    belittles holy faith of God’s people 5T 367
    better to remain unmarried than to enter 4T 507
    beware of 5T 366
    brings forfeiture of God’s protection 5T 365
    defined 5T 364
    disappointments often experienced as result of 4T 505
    feeble excuse for PK 53
    forbidden in Bible 5T 363-4
    God forbids FE 500;PK 53;4T 508;5T 328;
    God’s word forbids TM 271