EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       leads to apostasy FE 499;PP 171;
       Nehemiah broke up PK 673-5
       Nehemiah’s efforts to put stop to PK 673-5
       results of PK 657;SR 115;
       Solomon’s 2BC 1033;PK 88;2T 305-7;
    with intemperate person, warning against Te 172
    with people of other nations: disposition of Israelites to enter 3SG 242
       Israelites led into idolatry by 3SG 242
       Israelites were forbidden to enter PK 619-20;SR 146-7;4T 508;5T 328;
    with person of vile habits 2SM 422
    with person who does not fear God, is dangerous PP 174
    with person who does not love God, warning against TM 86
    with person who does not love God or His truth, is forbidden 5T 13
    with person you do not love, do not enter AH 43;MYP 460;
       would be sin AH 43;MYP 460;
    with tobacco user 2SM 422;Te 172;
    with ungodly person: Bible forbids PP 175
       displeases God PP 563
       God forbids Ev 617;2SM 121;
       NT forbids 5T 363-4