EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       mental and physical powers should be well-developed MH 358
       pray four times a day MYP 460
       questions to be considered FE 104-5
       seek counsel of Bible MYP 443, 447;PP 175;
       youth should consult parents FE 62, 104;MH 359;MYP 443-5, 448-9;PP 175;3SG 111;1T 218;5T 108;
    binds parties to each other by most solemn vow 5T 110
    character defects that should be remedied before 3T 336
    character traits needed for AH 83
    choice of companion for MH 359, 357-8;PP 174-5;
       discrimination needed in 2BC 1031;SD 165;
       make haste slowly in making AH 44
       students who are not qualified to make FE 62
       woman who followed impulse in 5T 121
    Christ honored, as divine institution DA 151;MH 356;
    Christ ordained that men and women be united in MH 356
    Christ sanctioned AH 341;MH 356;
    Christ’s grace alone can make, what God designed it to be MB 65
    church’s authority to counsel members re 5T 107