EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    first, performed by Creator MB 63;PP 46;
    first years of MH 360
       error made in MH 360
    fitness for, youth in teens is a poor judge of his MYP 452
    following blind and unsanctified passion re, danger of 5T 121
    girl who was unfit for 2T 564;3T 47;
    giving in MYP 459-60
       that Satan devises MYP 458
    God should be glorified in 2T 380
    God’s high and noble and lofty design of, not discerned by many people MM 141
    God’s ideal of, society’s condition is sad comment on MB 65
    God’s purpose in, for man PP 46
    God’s requirements re, modern recklessness in disregard of 5T 365
    God-given privilege of entering MYP 456
    great caution needed before entering AH 72
    guide re, feelings should not be FE 103
    happiness in, how to obtain 2T 302
       that angels commend AH 102;2T 252;
    happy, Christ wants to see AH 99
       secret of MH 360-1;PP 176;2T 252;