EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medicine, Medicines best, for diseased bodies and minds CH 628;ML 150;1T 502;3T 172;    [51]
    hot drinks as CD 106, 432
    injurious to system, do not administer 2SM 281
    intricate names given to, to cover up facts MM 228;2SM 294;
    invalids should dispense with, of every description 4aSG 145
    kind and cheerful and encouraging words more effective than 1T 306-7
    kind husband better for wife than spending money for 1T 695
    leaving injurious effects, do not administer 4aSG 140;2SM 454;
    many sick people might recover without one grain of MM 259;2SM 281;
       by obedience to laws of health CH 261
    mercury in, warning re 4aSG 139;2SM 447;
    names of, dictionary needed to find out meaning of 2SM 294
    not so essential as natural remedies CD 419
    nux vomica in See Nux vomica
    open air as God’s, for restoring health 7T 85
    opium in See Opium
    patent MH 127
    poisonous: babies are given 2SM 468
       do not treat the sick with 2SM 280
       nature’s fine machinery deranged by 2SM 448
       warning against MH 235