EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Medicine, Medicines best, for diseased bodies and minds CH 628;ML 150;1T 502;3T 172;    [51]
    preventive, physicians generally neglect CD 448
    sick people’s insistence that they must have Te 83
    Spirit’s influence is best, for disease CH 28
    strychnine as See Strychnine
    various, why sick people take 4aSG 140
    walking that is better than 2T 529
    words of kindness and sympathy do good as GW 163
    See also Cure; Drug; Medical concoction; Medical nostrum; Remedy; Treatment
    best, consciousness of right doing FLB 229.5;2MCP 407.4;RC 161.2;
    service is, to diseased minds HP 229.3
    water (soft) is God’s 3SM 280.2