EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mind, Minds   [2867]
diligence 1MCP 99.1
dwelling upon heavenly things TMK 301.3
effort to grasp thoughts of revelation OHC 31.3
experience bringing us to the Word of God SW 47.2
obedience to God’s requirements TMK 121.5
seeing Him who is invisible OHC 339.3
serious reflection 2MCP 668.2
study of nature; lifted OHC 250.3
studying the Word of God; 1MCP 98.1;OHC 35.4, 106.4;
and by prayer OHC 143.3
teach it SW 51.1
truth TMK 233.5
understanding God’s revealed will HP 133.3
working with the great Teacher OHC 306.3
       is God’s plan; think better 1MCP 105.2
       thinking deeper, fuller, clearer 1MCP 226.6
       thinking of eternal themes LHU 367.4
comprehend the provision of God TMK 302.2
dwell on heavenly things 1MCP 104.2