EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Mind, Minds   [2867]
       (young) may not know how to deal with 1MCP 191.2
    temptation for,
       not resisted when clouded by wrong eating 2MCP 392.3
       to dwell on earthly best resisted with Scripture 1MCP 95.4
    thinking right in, like the mind of God 2MCP 613.3
    training of,
       by study and thought in school of Christ 2MCP 665.2
       contemplation of heavenly things is HP 197.5
comprehend truths concerning eternal life 1MCP 196.1
disregard God’s plain requirements TDG 87.4
dwell on,
heavenly things OHC 339.3
Jesus’ love, suffering, mediation, etc. OHC 111.5
       tell God simply what you need HP 78.5
       work in right directions according to plan OHC 112.3
    tranquillity of, needed by one counseled to avoid management 2MCP 403.1
    transformed by the Holy Spirit UL 104.2
    trusting, with fresh faith RY 73.1