EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

    calm and firm in battle at Edrei PP 435-6
    could not be influenced to swerve from integrity 4T 345
    countenance of: evidenced firmness and nobility of purpose PP 425
       evidenced great intellectual power PP 425
       evidenced strong affections PP 425
    desired to make his God-given work thoroughly successful Ed 63-4;5T 652;
    did not merely think of God, but saw Him Ed 63;5T 652;
    did not show simply passive resistance to evil but perseverance in right 5T 651
    endowed with remarkable instinct 1BC 1113
    endured without retaliation when misunderstood 5T 651
    example of results of true plan of living MH 285;9T 165;
    faith, meekness, and long-suffering of Ed 73
    faith of: greater than that of any other man 4aSG 57
       led him to look at things unseen which are eternal 4T 345
       puts to shame unbelief of many people today FE 345
    faith was not guesswork to Ed 63;5T 652;
    faithful shepherd over Israel PP 319;3SG 278;
    faithful steward of God SD 279
    fearless before Pharaoh’s threatening 3SG 221-2
    full of: confidence in God because he had appropriating faith 5T 651-2