EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

       zeal to do God’s work DA 208
    God was real to 5T 651
    greater than any person who lived before him EW 162
    greatest leader of God’s people 1BC 1113
    had clear mind and understanding heart SR 108
    had deep sense of: God’s personal presence 5T 651
       his unworthiness and unfitness for God’s work 4T 532
    head of, white with snows of sixscore winters PP 425, 463
    humble man 1BC 1113
    humility and long-suffering manifest by PP 384
    humility of GC 470
    implicit faith in God made, what he was FE 344
    indiscretion of honest zeal in, God pardoned 3T 342
    influence of, did not die with him PP 481
    integrity of, was of purest character ML 320
    intellectual greatness of, distinguishes him above great men of all ages PP 246
    Israel’s welfare was dearer to, than prosperity, honor, or life PP 323
    knew God as personal God MH 475
    knew that God was his Friend PP 427
    leaned on God for support in time of danger 3SG 222