EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
       that is of great value in God’s sight CS 178
       upon which God smiles and blesses DA 615-6;GW 467;
    smallest, persons who can give only 9T 245-6
       that is priceless gift in God’s sight GW 467
    stinted: brought to God almost unwillingly 2T 128
       Christ hates 2SG 238;1T 195;
       covetousness leads to 1T 221
       do not give, for building churches 1T 196
       God does not accept 4aSG 7
       God is displeased by 1T 196
       recorded in heaven 1T 221
       some families afflicted because of 1T 221
       some people bring, to God AA 75
       some people cursed in harvest and flocks because of 1T 221
       wealthy persons who give CS 155-6
       youth inclined to give 2T 127-8
    thank See Thank offering
    too poor to bring to Christ SD 236
    trespass See Trespass offering
    unacceptable to God, raised by church bazaars, concerts, suppers, fairs, dances, lotteries, and festivals CS 204-5;WM 289-92;