EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
    unwilling: God does not accept CS 202;4aSG 7;
       God wants no 1T 546
       God would not have His treasury replenished with 3T 393;;
    value of smallest, presented in faith and love 3T 397
    voluntary: are part of revenue of God’s work AA 74
       constitute revenue of gospel 5T 149
       diffusion of light and truth is made dependent on 5T 148
       given for rebuilding temple PK 559
       proclamation of gospel depends on 9T 246
       what would happen if God’s people were liberal in PP 529
    weekly mission, gathering of CSW 129-47
    widow’s two mites as DA 614-6;2T 666-7;
       like small stream widening and deepening through ages DA 616
    without your heart, God does not accept 2T 169
    yearly, do not bring merely a 1T 237
       for Negro SDA work, in 1907 9T 225
4. Poor person’s
    accounted precious by God 2T 198-9
    as acceptable as largest donations of the rich 9T 224
    as acceptable to God as those of the rich 7T 295;WM 203;