EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
    as sweet-smelling savor to God CS 30, 347
    comes up before God as fragrant incense AA 341
    God is pleased with DA 615
    how God estimates value of 3T 399
    how God regards 2T 282
    proportioned to his income CS 73
    should be proportionate to his property 4T 474
    small, cheerfully given is greatly valued in God’s sight CS 30
    weighed in balances of sanctuary WM 203
5. Withholding
    Ananias and Sapphira purposed to rob God by 2T 128
    covetousness leads many to rob God by 3T 269
    do not rob God by 1T 221
    flimsy excuses made for MYP 307
    God is robbed by 2T 259;3T 411;
    God’s curse upon persons guilty of 2T 167
    leanness and poverty brought by 3T 269
    let nothing tempt you to rob God by 5T 271
    let there be no robbery of God by MM 215
    many of God’s people guilty of 5T 151