EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Offering, Offerings 9T 49-60    [471]
       to advance God’s work 6T 384
    are evidence that people have grace of Christ 6BC 1059
    as: fruit of love and gratitude to God 6BC 1059
       grateful acknowledgement of indebtedness to God 5T 267-8
       sacrifice well pleasing to God 6BC 1059
       spiritual sacrifices 7BC 925
    as token of gratitude to God AA 75;CS 297;PP 187-8;
       for His continual mercies and blessings 2T 573
       for His gift of Christ CS 19
    better not to give, than to give grudgingly 6BC 1105;CS 199;
    bind each, on altar with willing obedience and pure love 5T 269
    bring, to God 1BC 1086;DA 107;9T 51;TM 305;
       of best that you possess PP 344
    bring to God’s treasury your, for miss. work MYP 306
    bring your: for support of evangelistic work Ev 86-7
       into God’s storehouse CS 65, 67
       into God’s treasury CS 88;MYP 308;
       to God with joy and gratitude CS 198
    brought in sincerity, God accepts 9T 55
    brought to sanctuary for sabbaths, new moons, and special feasts PP 352