EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Parent, Parents   [2543]
    carrying strict discipline too far, treatment of small offenses with too great severity by 2T 98
    censorious and harsh, affect children like desolating hail does tender plant 2T 57
    censuring and blaming children, warning to 1T 401
    censuring trifles that deserve no notice 2SM 434
    charged with disrespect toward teachers 5T 90
    chilling child’s qualities of mind and heart to death as wintry blast does tender plant CT 113;FE 68;
    choosing city home for children, mistake of COL 54
    Christian, need thorough conversion on subject of child training FE 66
       true, are useful church members AH 317
    combining authority and love, can hold reins of family government firmly and kindly AH 308
    compelled by law in some countries to send children to school 6T 199
    connected with Christ will not rest till they see children safe in fold 7T 11
    continually borrowing trouble, how children are affected by FE 154-5
    controlled by animal passions, sexual excesses of 2T 480
    converted, great need of CG 477-8
    correcting children in: passion fills them with anger AH 314-5
       spirit of impatience and passion produce no good results 1T 398
    creating in children passion for amusement and pleasure AH 523-4
    creating more trouble in family than they cure 2T 366
    criticizing each other in children’s presence, mistake of 4T 240