EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Parent, Parents   [2543]
    criticizing teacher for disciplining their children, mistake of 4T 203
    dealing with: child passionately only arouses his resentment Ed 292
       children who tell lies, mistake made by CG 195
       indolent and selfish children, mistake made by CG 195
       obstinate children, duty of CG 237-8
       rebellious children, duty of 4T 363
    deceived, who let children grow up in idleness 1T 393, 686
       who take sides with children against school FE 53
    deceived by: children practicing secret vice 2T 401, 471
       children’s falsehoods 4T 651
    deceived re daughters 1T 393, 686
    defrauding God by transferring their means to children 2T 655
    depraved by lust, offspring of 2T 475
    despising reproof, mismanagement of home by 5T 51-2
    despotic, make terrible mistake CG 262
    dictatorial, family government by 2T 253
    dignified and cold and unsympathetic, children do not confide in CT 113
       duty of FE 68
    disagreed re discipline of children, duty of AH 314-5
       sin committed by CG 239