EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Peace abides wherever Spirit reigns DA 153    [356]
       accepted as, with God TMK 109.3
       alone can give TDG 140.4, 310.2
       came to give OHC 109.3
       desires to make, in you; listen with confidence TDG 225.7
       as He calmed Galilee HP 35.2
       despite world’s threats, decrees or promises OHC 329.5
       is, forever FLB 248.5
       longed to give UL 26.2
       longs to have the young possess TMK 121.4
       messenger of, to the afflicted RC 37.4
       speaks, to our soul as affections set on things above OHC 63.4
       wants us to have; store treasure in heaven LHU 128.4
       who spoke, to Galilee, has spoken it to all RC 278.6
    Christianity disturbs, of those who refuse Christ’s love OHC 328.4
       given to His disciples HP 249.2
       invitation to, through conflict and suffering TMK 287.2
       may rest in soul AG 251.3
    closeness to God brings UL 307.2