EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Peace abides wherever Spirit reigns DA 153    [356]
       believer is not called upon to make 1SM 395
       death may claim you suddenly without giving you time to make 5T 487
       found through blood of atonement GC 470
       how sinner can find LS 22-3
       Paul’s face told of, before Nero AA 493
       when sinner may be sure that he has found GC 463
    See also Calm; Rest; Tranquillity
    abiding in Christ for LHU 249.2
    accept, rising above worries; praise God 1MCP 68.2
       of Christ’s word and surrender bring RC 278.5
       of completeness in Christ brings RC 76.6
    assurance that God’s love is exercised toward us OHC 265.3
    assured to those who believe Christ answers their prayer OHC 326.4
    attachment of youth counseled robbed mind of 1MCP 302.1
    avoiding trials, struggles, and self-denial does not bring OHC 327.2
    brings joy in the Holy Spirit by God’s promises OHC 329.4
    cherish, daily in the family FLB 279.3
       abiding in soul is only ground for HP 249.6