EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Possession, Possessions above actual necessities of life, Christian’s duty re COL 370    [95]
       holy men of old did not covet 5T 188
       insane desire to procure CS 137
       length of life does not consist in amount of 3T 402, 546
       persons anxious to increase their, warning to 2T 192-3
       persons bent on accumulating, warning to 2T 196-7
       usefulness does not consist in amount of 3T 546
    fire may sweep away your MB 88
    given to men in trust by God CG 134;CS 22;6T 190-1;
       to test their character 6T 190-1
       to test them PP 753
    God has indisputable right to all of man’s 4T 78
    God’s claim upon all of man’s, do not overlook 3T 120
    God’s claim upon man and his CS 72
    heavenly attractions eclipsed by CS 136
    however small, given to man only in trust CS 22
    in this life, are limited CS 21
    large, duty of people who have 2SG 231-2
       God’s plans for believers who have 1T 191
       owners of, who compel their families to labor beyond their strength to save more means 2T 683
    love of, love for brethren and God’s cause should be stronger than AA 71