EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Possession, Possessions above actual necessities of life, Christian’s duty re COL 370    [95]
       that is base ingratitude to God 2T 574, 599
    man has no, but what God has given 5T 736
    man is not owner of his, but only a trustee TM 399
    men entrusted with, are on trial TM 286
    many believers do not obey when Christ calls for SD 234
    members of early church freely sacrificed CS 40-1
    now is time to decrease, instead of increasing CS 51;5T 152;
    of fully converted heart, are consecrated to God 1T 690
    of houses and lands, should be sold to support miss. work 5T 733
    overflowing scourge will soon wipe away EW 49
    people who have, required to use their means for spreading truth 1T 197
    people who have, should regard themselves as God’s stewards PP 535
    primary portion of man’s, is God’s CS 72
    retained for selfish purposes, will be for eternal loss AA 345
    rich young ruler and his, lessons from DA 518-23;1T 170-8;
    storm may sweep away your MB 88
    talent that should be used in God’s cause CS 117
    temporal, Christian’s accountability for use of 2SM 134
       God tests men by entrusting them with CS 22
    that men claim, have been entrusted to them CS 112