EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Power, Powers   [531]
    redeeming, Sabbath is sign of Ed 250
    regenerating sinful men, skeptic will not admit FE 332
    renewal of, gospel workers must take time to seek God for Ed 260-1
    reservoir of, is open, full, and free 1SM 333
    rich supplies of, awaiting demand of God’s people 5T 17
    secret spring from which flows all, knowledge that is CT 406
    source of God’s people’s, in world 5T 48
    special, in presentation of truth 6T 16
    special endowment of, for church in final conflict GC 10
    Spirit endows men with 6T 306
    Spirit imparts 8T 55
       to truth Ev 37
    Spirit supplies, for evangelism Ev 40
    Spirit’s, lacking among God’s people because of indolence 6BC 1055
    spiritual: Christ is source of TM 390
       depends on close connection with Christ AA 90-1
       floods of, poured upon persons prepared for it 8T 46
       how gospel workers lose 6T 253
       knowledge that imparts, to man’s whole being 8T 289
       lack of: indifference and indolence result in 6BC 1055