EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Power, Powers   [531]
       Spirit endows men with 6T 306
       why church lacks 7T 32;8T 169;TM 162-3, 425;
    stirring people in 1844, will be revealed again 5T 252
    substitute for: brilliant intellect is not LS 245-6
       earnest study is not LS 245-6
       highest eloquence is not LS 245-6
    success is given to God’s servants by PK 176
    think of, that you can claim in Christ’s name MH 488
    third angel’s message should be attended by Ev 191-2
    to convert sinners, how to have greater 6T 399
    two arms by which men lay hold on GW 259
    unwonted, third angel’s message will be attended by GC 611
    we must first have, to have power with people LS 245
    weak soul may become strong by faith in COL 354
    when church will have, to move world COL 340
    when God’s message will go forth with CS 302
    when God’s work will go forward with 6T 51, 104
    when there will be vast, in church 7T 237
    wherein lies, of truth GW 59
    which apostles had, available now to gospel workers 6T 480