EGW Topical Index (Subtitle)

Prayer, Prayers   [2560]
    heart should go out in, while hands are busy 1T 592
    heartfelt, bring angels near MM 252;WM 32;
    heaven is not closed against, of the righteous 5T 161
    humble and, needed in forming associations MH 513
    importance of, in time of persecution 2SM 372
    importunate and, essentials in 5T 560
    learn God’s way more perfectly through TM 220
    learning how to present truth to souls requires much 4T 67
    let nothing divert you from 8T 53
    let your, melt hearts GW 35
    marriage is matter for 3SG 120
    minister must be man of 4T 320
    mix, with living faith 3T 323
    more: dealing with youth requires GW 208
       exposure to rebuffs and opposition leads to AA 467-8
       need of, to be more effectual 7T 251
       needed in SDA institutions 2SM 191
    more effective and, seek Spirit by 1SM 116
    mother’s duties call for CT 128
    must take place of listlessness and indifference 1BC 1096